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2 Resultados de traducción para though en español

adverb | conjunction

though adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sin embargo, no obstante

Ejemplos de uso de
though adverb

  • I know we didn't win, but I was happy with how we played, though.

Sinónimos de
though adverb

¿Cómo se pronuncia la palabra though?
  • Tenga en cuenta la pronunciación. La gh no se pronuncia. Though rima con low.

though conjunction

unfavorite favorite play sound
aunque, a pesar de

Ejemplos de uso de
though conjunction

  • Though it was raining, we went hiking.
  • Though it has no well-known actors in it, the movie has become the sleeper hit of the summer.

Sinónimos de
though conjunction

Sinónimos detallados para though conjunction

Though, although, while significan a pesar del hecho.
  • Though puede usarse para introducir un hecho establecido <though we have put men on the moon, we haven't stopped wars>, o una hipótesis o admisión de una posibilidad o probabilidad <though rain seemed likely, they decided to go anyway>.
  • Although suele ser intercambiable con though y puede introducir la afirmación de un hecho <although she ran her fastest race, she only received third prize>.
  • While significa though o although y generalmente aplica a cosas que ocurren al mismo tiempo <while the two were polite with each other, there was no longer much fondness between them>.
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Frases relacionadas para though

Traducción inversa para though

aunque  - though, although, even if, even though